Hill G (7)-6.jpg
 33 10 7 in

33 10 7 in

Hill G (21)-2.jpg
2400_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 33 9 7 in

33 9 7 in

1800_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 46 17 8 in

46 17 8 in

 27 14 8 in

27 14 8 in

 27 14 8 in

27 14 8 in

 45 20 16 in

45 20 16 in

1700_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
3000_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
3100_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 Fired Clay, Balloon, Packing Tape, Candy 57 24 12 in

Fired Clay, Balloon, Packing Tape, Candy 57 24 12 in

 Fired Clay, Packing Tape, Wood   70 20 13 in

Fired Clay, Packing Tape, Wood   70 20 13 in

 57 24 12 in

57 24 12 in

 Fired Clay and Glaze, Ballon, Wood  48 11 9 in

Fired Clay and Glaze, Ballon, Wood

48 11 9 in

3500_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 R 42 10.5 7 in

R 42 10.5 7 in

Blood ,micky (3)-3.jpg
4200_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 L 43 13 8 in

L 43 13 8 in

 Fired Clay, Wood, Paper, Canvas, Audio

Fired Clay, Wood, Paper, Canvas, Audio

 24.8 14.5 7 in

24.8 14.5 7 in

400_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 Fired Clay and Glaze, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Light Ball  R 40 11 19 in

Fired Clay and Glaze, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Light Ball

R 40 11 19 in

 Wood, Light, Fired Clay and Glaze  98.5H 217W 98.5D inch

Wood, Light, Fired Clay and Glaze

98.5H 217W 98.5D inch

1200_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
1300_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 L 85 20 31.5 R 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

L 85 20 31.5 R 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

 85 20 31.5 in Wood

85 20 31.5 in Wood

 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

My house (3)-3.jpg
 L 22.5 8 7.5 in

L 22.5 8 7.5 in

Hill G (7)-6.jpg
 33 10 7 in
Hill G (21)-2.jpg
2400_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 33 9 7 in
1800_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 46 17 8 in
 27 14 8 in
 27 14 8 in
 45 20 16 in
1700_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
3000_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
3100_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 Fired Clay, Balloon, Packing Tape, Candy 57 24 12 in
 Fired Clay, Packing Tape, Wood   70 20 13 in
 57 24 12 in
 Fired Clay and Glaze, Ballon, Wood  48 11 9 in
3500_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 R 42 10.5 7 in
Blood ,micky (3)-3.jpg
4200_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 L 43 13 8 in
 Fired Clay, Wood, Paper, Canvas, Audio
 24.8 14.5 7 in
400_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 Fired Clay and Glaze, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Light Ball  R 40 11 19 in
 Wood, Light, Fired Clay and Glaze  98.5H 217W 98.5D inch
1200_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
1300_Gallery_1_Taehoon Kim.jpg
 L 85 20 31.5 R 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood
 85 20 31.5 in Wood
 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood
 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood
My house (3)-3.jpg
 L 22.5 8 7.5 in

33 10 7 in

33 9 7 in

46 17 8 in

27 14 8 in

27 14 8 in

45 20 16 in

Fired Clay, Balloon, Packing Tape, Candy 57 24 12 in

Fired Clay, Packing Tape, Wood   70 20 13 in

57 24 12 in

Fired Clay and Glaze, Ballon, Wood

48 11 9 in

R 42 10.5 7 in

L 43 13 8 in

Fired Clay, Wood, Paper, Canvas, Audio

24.8 14.5 7 in

Fired Clay and Glaze, Steel, Concrete, Wood, Light Ball

R 40 11 19 in

Wood, Light, Fired Clay and Glaze

98.5H 217W 98.5D inch

L 85 20 31.5 R 48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

85 20 31.5 in Wood

48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

48 26 14 in Fired Clay and Glaze, Wood

L 22.5 8 7.5 in

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